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SC Motors is the best way to make sure your car sails through its test. Call SC Motors in Bangor, North Down today to get your vehicle booked in.

MOT test time? No need to worry!

We all get a little anxious when it comes to MOT time! Will it pass first time? Will it need a few little problems fixing? Or, in the worst case scenario, will it need major work? We can help you deal with these concerns by offering an MOT preparation service that will identify and fix anything that is likely to cause problems with the test, allowing you to feel confident that your car is ready for it. You can be confident that our service is unbiased and impartial as we don't actually perform the MOT test ourselves - we just let you know what is needed for your car to be ready for it, and carry out any necessary work.

If you'd like to know more, please call the team today.

Expert mechanics

Our expert mechanics are here to make life easier for you as you get ready to send your car for its MOT. Every member of the team is highly skilled, and we take pride in the work we do here. If we discover any major issues while preparing your car for its test, we'll discuss them with you, so you can make an informed decision about the right course of action.

Vehicle servicing and repairs

Engine, exhaust, wheels, tyres, brakes, gearbox... we check every system on your vehicle to ensure it's working properly. If we find anything we can't fix as part of a standard service, we'll let you know the issue and the solution, and undertake the work when we have your approval. We make sure that our prices are competitive, so you can be confident that you're getting a good price when we offer you a quote.
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Make sure that you (and your vehicle) are ready for MOT time. Call SC Motors on:

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